Sunday, May 28, 2006

Recurring thoughts

2 p.m. I awake, my head is spinning, nobody's home...
Trying hard to gather my thoughts I look at the nightstand clock, it's late!
I stand up quickly, almost losing my balance I reach the doorknob and hold still, it feels like I've been drinking all night or maybe I just slept too much.
Going to the toilet, I wash my face with cold water to wake up... maybe who knows, get rid of this headache, but it's no use... I look at myself in the mirror... pale, dead-like pale. Not the best look for a Sunday, whatever...
I push myself down the hall and go back to bed and just let my body fall over it, almost inert. I roll my eyes back to the nightstand... James Joyce and his Dubliners is there waiting for me to finish, I think about taking the book, but my hands don't move...
No sound in the room... birds singing and dogs barking outside, sometimes a very distant cry or cars passing by... but here there's no sound.
What's wrong? What's going on? Time runs fast, I close my eyes trying to remember a dream, my head hurts so much... I need to remember it...
I sit on my bed with my head between my hands, my eyes closed... that's not just another day... or it was not supposed to be one!
What's going on? What's going on today?
I never forget, I never forget the same things and they always happen, I can't help thinking about them! What's wrong? I whisper to myself...
Between here and there lies the same distance, but it's a long one, it's endless, almost infinite... what's wrong? Is it beyond my reach?
The same thoughts, the same questions... Major headache, I go back to sleep.
I still need to remember that dream!

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