Monday, January 19, 2009

A heart to spare

If I had a heart to spare
I'd give it to you gladly
So you could break it
And cut it as deep as
You do to mine

If I had a heart to spare
I'd let you throw it away
So you could step on it
And smash it as badly as
You did to mine

If I had a heart to spare
I'd put it in your hands
So you could play with it
And fool it as coldly as
You did to mine

But I have only one heart
One heart of my own
And I can't give it to you
I can't let you do with it
Whatever you feel like

I have only one heart
One single lonely heart
And for the first time
I'm going to keep it
Right here with myself

1 comment:

  1. Sempre filosofando muito bem... :)
    "Bom texto"!! hahaha
    E sim, meu último texto foi influenciado por influências de irmãos Campos!!! :) hahahaha
