Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What hurts the most

Two months have passed since you left me, since you decided we could not be together anymore. Since then I've been walking alone...
It hurts to feel lonely again, it hurts going home and having nobody to talk to, nobody to whom I could complain about my day.
It hurts to walk in the park on a sunny Sunday afternoon, watching couples celebrating love and happiness together and I feel so empty inside.
It hurts going to sleep late at night (cos I just can't sleep well anymore) having nobody to hug, nobody beside me in the bed.
It hurts going to the cinema all by myself and not receiving your messages of love on my mobile anymore.
It hurts spending two months missing you, loving you, but knowing you're not coming back.
I saw you the other day. You were happy, laughing with your friends. You talked to me, you were different, you were better, better than me...
What hurts the most is watching you passing by, knowing you don't care...
What kills me the most is to realise you forgot about us...
You forgot about me.

*Inspired by a song.


  1. Anonymous2:38 am

    You know, have that rare talent of writing about ordinary siuations/feelings and, through simplicity, make them personal to each one, reach each one of your readers. You know I'm a fan. Hug. Estela

  2. When we least expect, good things happen !
    Keep the faith :)
